Edvard Eikill, who translated Flateyjarbok into Norwegian, recently completed his translation of Morkinskinna into Norwegian for The Saga Heritage Foundation. The book launch was commemorated by an intimate gathering at the Saga House where noted journalist/author Arnt Olav Klippenberg interviewed Mr. Eikill about his work with the Norse saga literature. The book can be purchased at: www.sagaeneshus.no
The Saga Heritage Foundation (SHF) had a wonderful trip to Copenhagen with our brand new scholarly forum, COSCAN (Collegium Scholare Antiquitatis), where we studied Tormod Torfæus 1662 translation of Flateyjarbok. From the left: Baard Titlestad (SHF Vice-Chair and project manager), Stein Førde, Professor Judith Jesch (University of Nottingham), Professor Alexandra Sanmark (University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland), Professor Torgrim Titlestad (SHF Chair), Professor Karen Skovgaard-Petersen (The Danish Society for Language and Literature), Steinar R. Paulsen (SHF Board of Directors), Professor Alison Finlay (Translator Flateyjarbok, Birkbeck University of London), Else Berit Eikeland (SHF Board of Directors), Bergsveinn Birgisson (author), Professor Jon Gunnar Jørgensen (University of Oslo), Ivar Fett (SHF Board of Directors) and Randi Wedvich (SHF Board of Directors). The trip was made possible by generous contributions from Dan Odfjell. Foto: Kyrre Larsen
The Collegium Scholare Antiquitatis (COSCAN) is a scholarly forum established by the Saga Heritage Foundation to support our commitment to preserving and promoting the rich historical and cultural legacy of the Norse World as a part of the world’s shared cultural heritage.
Painting @ Anders Kvåle Rue.
Its creation was inspired by the correspondence between Ole Worm and his international body of colleagues and “academic sparring partners” such as Brynjolfur Sveinsson, Arngrim Jonsson, Steffen Hansen, Thomas Bartolin, Henry Spelmann, and others during the late Renaissance period when new interest in the saga literature and the Norse world began to take hold amongst European scholars.
Founded under the auspices of The Saga Heritage Foundation, COSCAN seeks to embody the spirit of collaboration, inquiry, and intellectual exchange, as well as the deepening of our understanding of the historical periods and figures connected to them. The College shall also cultivate a social dimension, creating a space for leisure and networking among its members.
COSCAN will support The Saga Heritage Foundation’s mission to celebrate and preserve a key aspect of our shared cultural heritage. At its heart lies the timelessness of the human story – a legacy of storytelling, history, and the transmission of knowledge that connects us across generations and across the world. We aim to highlight the importance of cultural preservation as a cornerstone of our identity, ensuring that the stories of our past continue to enrich and guide our shared future.
Read more about COSCAN on our BLOG.
Flateyjarbók artist Anders Kvåle Rue visited The Saga Heritage Foundation HQ, Saga House, to discuss the artwork for the forthcoming English language translation of the saga manuscript. He also showcased his work for a specially invited crowd.