Publishing Flateyjarbók:
“«Flateyjarbók is a world treasure. It is the largest medieval manuscript produced in Iceland,and it is also a beautiful work of art. It preserves poems, sagas, stories, and information found nowhere else.”

WHEN THE FINAL VOLUME OF the norwegian edition of "FLATØYBOK" was LAUNCHED IN the AUTUMN of 2019...
... a five year publishing cycle had come to an end, and the work's 6 volumes, all leather bound, weighing in around 14 kilos in total marked that the most remarkable yet least known work in the saga canon had finally become available to a wide audience, firmly and rightfully established alongside Snorri's Heimskringla, as an essential gateway to understanding the cultural and historical heritage of the Norse civilization.
The Saga Heritage Foundation’s support of the project was aimed at realizing four objectives:
To Increase the knowledge and understanding of Flateyjarbok amongst the general public and scholars.
Creating a basis for understanding more about the role and history of the work's main sponsor, Jón Hákonarsson of Vididalstunga, Iceland, and the intellectual millieu around him.
Preserving the saga text within the framework of a dignified yet functional aesthetic, honoring the masterful and exquisite craftsmanship that went into creating the original work.
Keeping retail prices low. In this way, the project maintained a sense of inclusiveness, giving more people access to the saga text. This has been made possible by generous gifts from our sponsors, absorbing much of the project's high production cost.
The Foundation are please to report that all its four main objectives were met and in some instances even exceeded our original goals.